*~*~* Destined *~*~*


What's New

Season 1 Proof

Season 02 Proof


Other Couples


My Guest Book


Contact Me


You've reached my website, which is strictly Taiora. This site is really new, as you can probably tell, so cut me some slack and excuse me if this sucks, because I'm not really the computer type, and it'll take some experience and time. So I'd advise you to bookmark this and come back in a few days until it's all sorted out.

If you seriously hate Taiora, no one's forcing you to stay here, so don't flame me, just leave. Anyway, Taiora lovers, in the meantime, just look around, and I hope you like it!

Messages & Updates

September 14, 2000

I changed things dramatically with my discovery of papers from my old website making intersession. I found stuff about pictures, so I found a way to use .art and .bmp pics! I also added a section about possible other couples (still needs work) and look at the picture section and around the site to see new pics! One small step to making this site better! --Firenze

September 13, 2000

Hey. I added some lame pics from www.animfactory.com and some new pages that I still need to work on...Firenze

September 8, 2000

Hi! Thanks for visiting my site. I have no idea how to build sites, so excuse me if this isn't one of the best you've seen. When I learn the ropes, I want to add some things, and there's some stuff I really need right now. Look at the section listing that to your right. I need all the help I can get! -- Firenze

September 7, 2000

I decided to try Freeserver out because the other sitebuilders didn't work well on my computer. It's pretty good, so now I'm working on my site. Lots of things still need work.

Things I Could Use to Improve My Site:

* Pictures: If anyone could send me some screenshots, pictures, or fanart of Tai and Sora (because all mine are graciously borrowed from other fantastic sites), it would really help. This is because:

1) My scanner doesn't work

2) I don't have a digital camera

3) Especially because my parents will think I'm stupid for wasting film taking pictures of the TV screen

4) I'm no artist when it comes to drawing people

* Proof and Rumors: I'd love some more proof (especially from Season 02) and rumors (from the movies, Season 02, and things edited out of the dubbed version)

* Fanfic: Once I get how this works, I want to add a fanfiction page! So send it in, but make sure it's a romance and has Taiora! All I have are my fics so far.

Mail these (.gifs or .jpgs for pics only!) to: SmileyLizL@aol.com

Other Stuff

Hey, sign my guestbook! I want to know if anyone visits this site, and this will really help me more than you know.

I have a poll question about my site on the "What's New" page. I also have some news on Digimon itself.

Discussion Board
Here's my message board! Feel free to visit and leave a message.


My Gomamon


Attacks:Eat and Sleep
Fav Food:Leftovers
->Adopt One Here <-

Send me an e-mail!